来源:    发布时间: 2024-03-25 16:12   207 次浏览   大小:  16px  14px  12px







1. 内容要求


2. 形式要求


3. 报名方式


The first Chinese classic poetry and prose recitation competition for international students studying in China. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

All current international students at the school

Content requirements:
Selected Classic Poems and Articles from Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary China that reflect excellent Chinese culture
Formal requirements:
The entries are videos newly recorded and created in 2024, captured in high-definition 1920 * 1080 landscape format in MP4 format, with a length of 3-6 minutes and a size not exceeding 700M. The images and sound are clear , without shaking or noise. Video works must be recorded simultaneously and post production dubbing is not allowed. At the beginning of the video, the title of the work, the author of the work, the grade and name of the contestant, and the supervising teacher are displayed in written form. After the work is submitted, the relevant information cannot be changed. It is recommended to use Fangzheng font or other copyrighted fonts for video text. Portraits without the consent of the portrait owner are not allowed in the video, unauthorized images and videos are not allowed, and banners, corner markers, etc. unrelated to the recitation competition are not allowed.
Registration method: 

Complete the submission of works before April 6, 2024. Please send the "Application Form for the First Chinese Classic Poetry and Literature Recitation Competition for International Students from Changsha Medical University" (Attachment 1) and the electronic version of the work video to the designated email address. The email subject is "Grade+Name+Work Name +Recitation Competition".

Scan  to get the Application Form: